Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered safe home for girls who are survivors of trafficking.

A survivor’s needs do not end at escape. The lack of adequate therapy, support, and a safe place to go puts survivors at imminent risk of being trafficked again. Minor survivors face the additional trauma of being put into foster care or juvenile detention, neither of which provide the specialized care needed for survivors of trafficking.

Eighty percent of trafficking survivors are re-trafficked due to the lack of adequate resources to help them. Our mission is to change that statistic by providing long-term housing, traditional therapy, educational programs, and alternative therapy such as equine therapy, art therapy, and music therapy to young ladies who are survivors

Our Vision

Our vision is to see survivors in our home thrive in creating a new life for themselves and to see the end of sexual exploitation in the DC/MD/VA area.

It is our vision to see our community actively investing in children’s lives through parenting, mentoring, fostering, and adopting. We believe that every child deserves good parents, a happy childhood, and a loving home.

It is our vision to see our community actively protecting children from predators, both in person and online. We believe that those who are able to identify evil are more likely to be able to prevent it.

It is our vision is to see families and trafficking victims free from the devastating effects of pornography. We believe that true societal growth can only be achieved when men protect women and children.